Vegetable Seeds Catalogue

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Phaseolus coccineus ‘Alba’

An unusual variety of ‘seven year’ runner bean. Similar to the scarlet runner except with beautiful white flowers and beans. The preferred runner bean grown in The Netherlands due to the thick, succulent tender pods, which are delicious when picked young and eaten raw, steamed or in soup. Shell, pod and dry mature beans for storage and use like lima beans in soups or salads. 10 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Citrullus lanatus

Bright red, fibreless, oval fruit with a tough gray-green rind & fine dark-green veins.  These oblong fruit weigh ave. 11-15 kg. Fruit is ripe when the stem starts to brown off. Slow growing in cool areas, so start early indoors. For good germination 24+oC is required. Needs full sun & a sheltered spot. 20 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Brassica spp.

Hon Tsai Tai, Purple Mizuna, Mustard, Tatsoi
A classic mix of fast growing Asian greens. All can be used for salads and stir fries, with each adding their own character, texture and flavour. The mizuna and mustard have a little bit of bite while the hon tsai tai (purple choy sum) and tatsoi are more mild flavoured. These can be grown anytime of the year but excel in the cooler weather. The flower heads can be eaten as well. 300 seeds. Not to WA.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Amaranthus tricolour

A good looking edible plant with oval to heart shaped green leaves overlaid with burgundy red. The leaves are a great source of proteins, vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre. The leaf tastes similar to spinach and can be used in the same way. The younger leaves are milder and are ideal in salads. Harvest leaves as needed, young stems can also be eaten. 400 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Amaranthus tricolour

A good looking edible plant with oval to heart shaped green leaves overlaid with burgundy red. The leaves are a great source of proteins, vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre. The leaf tastes similar to spinach and can be used in the same way. The younger leaves are milder and are ideal in salads. Harvest leaves as needed, young stems can also be eaten. 400 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Cynara scolymus 'Green'

This French, perennial artichoke has lots of large, green, plump buds in spring & huge, scented, purple/pink flowerheads in late summer. A good culinary variety, where immature flower buds are harvested for eating. A hardy plant with attractive, silver-blue foliage. It is happiest with plenty of sun. Both the foliage and flower make for great displays. Flowers can also be dried. 25 seeds

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Botanical Name
Cynara scolymus 'Purple Headed'

This perennial Artichoke has edible flower buds in spring and gets to a height of 6 foot. The flower buds (chokes) vary in colour from purple with splotches of green to medium green tinged with purple. A beautiful looking vegetable with its large silver blue foliage and stunning scented, purple/pink flower heads in summer. Both the foliage and flower make for great displays. Flowers can also be dried. 15 seeds

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Botanical Name
Brassica rapa

These sweet tasting florets resemble broccolini. The large florets are like small heads of broccoli but with a shorter harvest time. They are great steamed, in stir fries or just munched raw. 25 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Asparagus officinalis

A French heirloom that is early and hardy. It has straight dark green spears with a tender purple tip and excellent flavour. Argenteuil tends to be earlier than other asparagus varieties. The French traditionally have used blanched this variety to create a ‘white’ asparagus. Good yields produced over 2-3 months. A perennial vegetable living for 15-20 years, so plenty of years production. 30 seeds.

Frost Resilience
Frost Hardy
Germination Period (days)
Sow Method
Direct or Transplant
Sowing Instructions
Sow in trays or direct to garden. Keep moist and warm (takes 4 weeks to germinate). Irrigate and weed well in first year. Provide support in windy positions. Needs well drained soil. In autumn cut off brown ferns and fertilise well and lime in late winter.
0.4 m
Row Space
1 m
1 pkt
Botanical Name
Asparagus officinalis

A popular heirloom variety that is early and produces long straight dark green spears with a purple tinge. The spears are delicious - tender, thick, heavy and straight. Produces a heavy yield over 2-3 months, with the first 45-60 days the most productive. 50 seeds.

Botanical Name
Vicia faba

An heirloom variety that is an early producer of nutty flavoured broad beans. Produces large amounts of medium green pods that are about 15cm long and containing around  5 seeds each. Grows to about 1m so is great for windy areas. One of the earliest crops to mature in cool climates.  Fixes nitrogen in soil. 1 Packet = 40 seeds.

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Botanical Name
Vicia faba

This old English variety has very attractive, scarlet purple bean seeds and green bean pods on 1m tall stems with white flowers. Very young pods can be eaten whole (cooked) or later during summer the medium sized bean inside can be cooked. Broad Beans are one of the earliest crops to mature in cool, temperate climates. 15 seeds. Not to WA.
