Native seeds catalogue

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Botanical Name
Blandfordia punicea

A stunning one metre tall lily with brilliant red-orange flower bells over summer and stiff grassy foliage. A beautiful perennial cut flower and easily grown in a moist spot in full sun or half shade. Endemic to Tasmania, this frost resistant specimen looks best in the garden when mass planted, but also does well in a large container. Not to WA. 70 seeds/No.1/

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Botanical Name
Brachycome iberifolia 'Mix'

Native to Australia these attractive annual ground covering plants bear a profusion of daisy like flowerheads in shades of blue, mauve and pink over spring and summer. Easily grown in a sunny position with well drained soil this ideal rock garden plant has finely divided , soft foliage. Not to WA. 700 seeds/No.1 and No.2/

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Bursaria spinosa

A hardy native tree or shrub (3-8m) of eastern and southern Australia (including Tas.). A prolific flowerer with sweetly scented creamy-white flowers borne in dense panicles, flowering around Christmas, hence another common name of Christmas bush. The fragrant flowers attract many insects and make a unique sweet honey. A hardy tree that can handle frost and drought. It also provides valuable habitat to native birds. 40 seeds.

Drought Resistant
Frost Resilience
Frost Hardy
Cold germinating seeds
Sow Method
Sowing Instructions
Sow in deep pots to transplant later. Germination can be erratic (3-4 weeks of cold treatment at ~3oC) and can take 4-8 weeks. Transplant once seedlings are 10+cm.
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Botanical Name
Callistemon pallidus

This Australian shrub produces lots of pale yellow, up to 8cm long, flower spikes in the early summer months. A fast growing, bird attracting evergreen plant with strongly scented foliage. Ideally grown in moist, damp places in full sun to half shade., however, once established has good tolerance to dry conditions. Prune back after flowering. Great habitat and food source for native birds. 100+ seeds. Not to WA.

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Botanical Name
Callistemon rigidus

This marginally frost hardy Australian native produces long stamened, bright red flowers in dense cylindrical spikes over summer. An evergreen, 2m tall Bottlebrush, rich with nectar that will attract birds and will grow well in full sun with moist soil and even poor drainage. Prune back after flowering to keep a bushy shrub. Extremely salt tolerant. Not to WA. 500 seeds/No.1/

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Botanical Name
Comesperma volubile

A small, up to 2m tall, delicate vine, which twines its way through shrubs and bushes.In early spring this almost leafless climber is covered in many delightful, deep purple buds, slowly opening into lighter blue flowers with a whitish center. Found in heathland in South Eastern Australia, it grows best under partly shaded conditions. A lovely pot plant for a shady position with some support or trellis. Not to WA. 15 seeds/No.1/


1 pkt
Botanical Name
Daviesia latifolia

An attractive shrub (2 m x 1.5 m) that produces loose heads of bright yellow and brownish-orange pea flowers that are an excellent nectar source for native birds, bees, insects and butterfly. A great screening plant that can be pruned to shape. Handles a range of well-drained soils. Frost, drought and wind hardy. Handles full sun and part shade. 30 seeds.

Drought Resistant
Frost Resilience
Frost Hardy
Hot Arid
Hot water treatment
Germination Period (days)
Sow Method
Sowing Instructions
To break dormancy soak seed in near-boiling water for about 30 seconds, before cooling rapidly under flowing cold water. Sow into a pot, cover seed with 3-5 mm of potting mix. Transplant into position when plant 10+ cm. Germinates in 3-6 weeks.
2 m
1 m
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Botanical Name
Derwentia perfoliata

This woody and frost hardy perennial forms one meter tall, drooping flower spikes which are covered in small, purple blue flowers from spring until autumn. The basal, opposite leaves are often heart shaped, blue green in colour, similar to juvenile Eucalypt foliage. Native to open forests it will grow well in any garden soil with good drainage and some midday shade. Attractive container plant. Not to WA. 50 seeds/No.1/


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Botanical Name
Dianella tasmanica

A widespread Tasmanian blue lily forming thick clumps with hard grass-like leaves and very pretty blue flowers with prolonged yellow stamens in spring-summer, followed by attractive oval shaped purple fruit. For damp, half shady or sunny areas. Salt tolerant. Not to WA. 20 seeds/No.8/

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Botanical Name
Diplarrena moraea

A Tasmanian Iris with attractive white, fragrant flowers with purple and yellow centres on slender 40 cm tall stems during spring and early summer. Grow this evergreen perennial in a well drained position in full sun to part shade. Salt tolerant. Not to WA. 40 seeds/No.1/

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Botanical Name
Dodonea viscosa

The Hop Bush is a fast growing shrub up to 3m tall with shiny green leaves and very attractive clusters of papery purple bronze fruit capsules in spring and summer. A drought resistant and frost hardy plant for a sunny, well drained position. Salt tolerant. Not to WA. 50 seeds/No.4/

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Botanical Name
Eucalyptus coccifera

A small tree native to Tasmania ( seen on Mt. Wellington) which withstands very cold and windy conditions. Beautiful stripey bark markings make this Eucalypt species a special feature in the cool climate garden. Not to WA. 25 seeds/No.1 or No.2/