Herb catalogue

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Anthemum graveolens

A popular variety of dill, with dark blue-green aromatic leaves. Grows to 60-80 cm tall and is earlier to harvest than the larger varieties. Use with new potatoes, fish, salads, tomatoes, cucumbers. Harvest seed to use in cooking or pickling. Flowers are a beautiful spray of yellow. 500 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Anthemum graveolens

An annual herb grown for its delicately flavoured leaves and its seed heads which are used in pickling vegetables. The variety of dill is large!! It produces a high yield, so dig out all your favourite recipes that include dill. It prefers light soil and needs regular watering and a sunny spot. Start picking leaves when 20 cm tall, they will resprout at least once. This is a good companion plant for cabbages. 500 seeds


1 pkt
Botanical Name
Echinacea purpurea

This perennial produces stunning purple-pink flowers with wide, horizontal petals and large cone-shaped, copper-coloured centres flower for many weeks in summer and autumn. A perennial with a long blooming period and good drought and heat tolerance. One of the Echinacea’s to be used medicinally to helps boost the immune system. 50 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Chenopodium ambrosioides

EPAZOTE Chenopodium ambrosioides
A traditional herb used in chilli sauces and bean dishes in Mexico. A strong flavour with a mix of citrus, camphor and minty flavours. Said to aid digestion, prevent flatulence (hence its use with beans) and numerous other gastro-intestinal disorders. Annual. 250 seeds. Not to WA.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Chrysanthemum parthenium

A strongly aromatic annual to perennial herb with daisy like, pretty white flower petals and yellow centres. Produces over a long period in summer and autumn. A frost hardy plant for a sunny border with average soil. 200 seeds/No.1/. Not to WA.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Geum urbanum

A perennial medicinal & culinary herb. The leaves are used in as a spice in soups, stews & flavouring beer. Used as a substitute for cloves with a hint of cinnamon. Reportedly herb Bennet has been used in UK & Europe since Roman times to treat inflammation, fever, as an antiseptic & to treat stomach & skin problems. Handles frost & a range of soils from alkaline to acid. 40 seeds.

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Botanical Name
Geranium robertianum

An annual/biennial herb that grows to 40 cm high and has pretty purple-rose flowers with white streaks. An ancient herb that allegedly helps heal wounds, stops bleeding and aids skin irritations and bruises. Modern folklore alleges it’s a natural source of geranium, which can help cells absorb oxygen. Some research has also shown it can aid diabetes as the leaves have been shown to help lower blood sugar levels. A bee attractor. Self seeds. 25 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Hyssopus officinalis

A versatile evergreen perennial that can be used in the ornamental garden while used as a culinary and medicinal herb. Leaves are aromatic and have a flavour like a sage-mint cross. Leaves can be eaten raw, used in salads and soups or to make a pleasant flavoured tea. Flowers can also be used in salads. Grows to 50cm, prefers well drained soil. A strong bee/insect attractor with blue flowers in summer. 100 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Agastache rugosa

A perennial herb with strongly aromatic mint and licorice leaves that is a culinary and tea herb and also used in traditional Chinese medicine. The lavender-purple-rose flowers appear on spikes from mid-summer to autumn and are great bee attractants. They are a long lasting cut flower. Handles a wide range of conditions. Flowers in first year. 250 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Galium verum

A hardy herbaceous perennial that produces many golden starlike flower panicles in summer. Handles poor soils and seaside gardens. Grows to 30-60 cm. Obtained it name from the dried aromatic stems were used for stuffing pillows and mattresses to keep out bed bugs and fleas! The root makes a red dye and the flowering tops a yellow dye. Was also used to coagulate milk in cheese making. 150 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Barbarea verna
Often used in salad mixes this delicious and healthy cress is nice and spicy. The basal leaves are dark green, shiny and deeply lobed with a tall yellow flower spike in spring. Easily grown in ordinary soil with plenty of light or part shade, this salad plant will self seed and supply you with lots of greens over winter and early spring. A great alternative to watercress. 450 seeds.
1 pkt
Botanical Name
Lavandula officinalis

Native to the Mediterranean area this type of lavender is grown commercially for essential oils on huge fields in Tasmania. A very hardy, drought tolerant plant for sunny, hot positions and well drained soil. Excellent container plant. Cut back after flowering. 150 seeds