Herb catalogue

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Melissa officinialis

A frost hardy, perennial herb with a fragrant lemon taste and odour. Used in cooking with chicken and fish, fresh leaves can be tossed into salads. A great refreshing herbal tea, simply steep leaves in hot water (said to aid cold, flu, depression, headache and indigestion). Grows to 60 cm and small flowers spikes throughout summer. Easy to grow in well drained soil. 100 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Cymbopogon flexuosus

Reaching a height of 1-1.5 m the East Indian variety is a hard and tough perennial. Use the stem in cooking and the leaf as a tea to treat inflammation, fever & digestion problems. Do not cut back until frost has passed to protect the centre of the plant or grow in a pot & move indoors mid-autumn to early spring. While it can handle dry periods it grows bigger with regular watering. Prefers full sun & well-drained soil. 20 seeds.

Sow Method
Sowing Instructions
Sow in pots & transplant out or move pots out once nights are >12˚C. In cooler areas start indoors. Surface sow & press into soil to ensure good contact, keep moist & warm (20˚C+). Each spring divide plants & re-pot.
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Botanical Name
Levisticum officinale

A good digestive tonic for spring in salads. A vigorous perennial with that grows to 1.6m. Leaves taste similar to celery and can be used in salads, soups and stews. Easily grown in the vegetable garden or as an ornamental foliage plant, it is a delicious leaf vegetable, especially when leaves are picked young and tender. Harvest when needed, frosts tend to improve flavour. 50 seeds


1 pkt
Botanical Name
Oraganum majorana

A culinary herb that is versatile and elegant in flavour. The intensely flavoured leaves are sweeter than oregano and used fresh or dried in many Mediterranean dishes. A semi-woody herb, small, grey-green, oval leaves and small white or purple flower spikes. A hardy plant for a sunny position with well drained soil, such as rock gardens. 400 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Agastache mexicana 'Sangria'

A bold and fun plant with brilliant spikes of red-purple whorled flowers. The leaves add a nice twist as they are lemon scented and can be brewed as a herbal tea (or to flavour your sangria!). The flowers can be used as long-lasting cut flowers, with the leaves providing a refreshing addition. Drought tolerant once established. Not to WA. 40 seeds.


1 pkt
Botanical Name
Chryptotaenia japonica

A native Japanese hardy, perennial herb in which the leaf, stem, seed and root can be used raw or cooked. Leaves are used raw or put in cooked dishes at the end as cooking for longer than a couple of dishes diminishes the flavour. Young leaves are added to salads. The flavour is clean and crisp with a parsley/celery tone. 100 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Calamintha nepeta

Mountain mint is a clumping/bushy plant to 50 cm that has very aromatic, spicy leaves and flowers. Originally used as a medicinal, tea and culinary herb it is now also valued for its ornamental attributes as it is attractive and long flowering. It produces many small lilac to white airy flowers all summer until late autumn. A hardy perennial that flowers in its first year. The flowers attract bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects. A tough plant that prefers well drained soil. 200 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum

Not your average oregano, this Greek variety gives the fullest flavour and aroma to pizzas, pastas and other Mediterranean dishes. The flavour is so intense fresh leaves will numb the mouth. Characteristic dark green leaves and pretty white flowers make this perennial herb great for pots. Drought and frost hardy once established. 300 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Origanum vulgare

Spicier than sweet marjoram, this lime loving plant likes dry, well drained soil in full sun. This is a culinary herb with 80cm long erect stems, and dark green aromatic leaves and pale pink flowers over summer.It is traditionally used in pizza and pastas. A hardy plant for a sunny position eg. in rock gardens. 300 seeds

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Petroselinum crispum

A biennial, frost hardy herb which needs good, fertile soil and plenty of water. The flat leafed Italian parsley is easily grown and has stronger flowers than its curly cousins. For continuous supply, sow in early spring and late summer. It is also good as an attractive edging plant or an ideal herb for pot culture. 500 seeds

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Petroselinum crispum 'Smaragd'

A biennial, frost hardy herb which needs good, fertile soil and plenty of water. The curly leafed parsley is easily grown . For continuous supply, sow in early spring and late summer. It is also good as an attractive edging plant or an ideal herb for pot culture. 500 seeds

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Botanical Name
Petroselinum crispum

A highly productive curly leafed parsley that can handle very cold winters and stay healthy. Outstanding flavour and yield that is relatively immune to leaf diseases that can occur through winter. Grows well year round. Space plants well so that they receive good airflow in moist climates. It is also good as an attractive edging plant and an ideal herb for pots. Seed grown by Steve Solomon. 300 seeds.