Southern Harvest
Quality seeds for kitchen, flower and native gardeners
Online Vegetable Seeds Catalogue
Sds/g: 280-340 Feed Requirements: Moderate (large, late) – High (small, spring) Usual Seed Life:3 years
Cultural Notes:
- Cabbages grow beautifully in Tasmania. They grow best with sufficient soil moisture through the growing season, large fluctuations in moisture can cause the heads to split due to rapid growth. Cabbages are heavy feeders and prefer a between pH 6.5 - 7.0 for good yields. For early cabbages (e) plant out transplant or sow seed from mid-September, space smaller headed varieties with 50cm x 50cm centres or larger varieties with 60cm x60 cm centres. Main season cabbages can be planted from late October through to the end of December and late cabbage varieties from late December to mid-February (if using the quicker maturing varieties). The late varieties store well in the ground overwinter. As main and late season varieties are larger framed, with larger heads they should be planted out with 75 cm – 90 cm centres. Cabbages that are planted too close together will not head properly. Seed 3-5 seeds in each spot, 0.5cm – 1cm deep and thin to leave the healthiest.
- Asian cabbage (eg. Wong Bok) are generally grown in the cooler months as they are fast growing and can run to seed easily with heat. The cool weather also makes them taste better.
- As always keep on top of slugs, especially for early sowings as the weather is warming and there is plenty of moisture still around. Cabbage grubs need to be controlled with regular sprayings of Dipel.
- Early varieties need to be harvested promptly as they mature fast. Late varieties will hold much longer in late summer and autumn as their growth rates drop. Younger heads that are green and still growing are the best storers.
Sowing periods
Cool Climate Periods
Aug 1st to Feb 27th
Temperate Climate Periods
Jan 1st to Dec 31st
Tropical & Sub-Tropical Climate Periods
Jan 1st to Dec 31st