Vegetable Seeds Catalogue

Onion and Shallots

Botanical Name
Allium Cepa

These large, light-brown, globe-shaped onions are an excellent winter crop, best suited to cooler climates. Plant lots because these are the longest keeping onions (up to 12 months) available and have great flavour. Onions are high in vitamin C, iron, sulphur and fibre. 1 Packet = 350 seeds. Bulk seed available (230 seeds/gram).

Botanical Name
Allium cepa

A brown, sweet onion with superb flavour, a ‘flattened globe’ shape and light-brown skin. A unique, truly sweet, Grano-style onion with low pungency and high sugar content. Perfect for barbequing. Stores up to 2 months. Onions are high in vitamin C, iron, sulphur and fibre. 1 Packet = 200 seeds.  (230 seeds/gram).

Botanical Name
Allium cepa

These large, dark-red skinned, globe-shaped onions are an excellent, good-yielding, winter crop, best suited to cooler climates. Stores for 5 months. Onions are high in vitamin C, iron, sulphur and fibre. Red onions add colour and flavour to cooked dishes, as well as served raw in sandwiches and salads. 1 Packet = 200 Seeds.

Botanical Name
Allium cepa

Medium - large round white bulbs that are ery versatile and can be eaten raw or cooked. A late intermediate variety that can be stored for 3-6 months in a dry airy spot. High in vitamin C, iron, sulphur and fibre. Use to flavour cooked dishes or serve raw in sandwiches and salads. 250 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Allium ascalonicum

A true French shallot that is prized in French cooking for their excellent flavour. Used raw for flavouring red meat or salads; cooked in soups, stews and other ‘slow’ dishes; or simply pickled. Does not like wet ground, so raise beds and do not add too much manure/compost. 1 Packet = 200 seeds. Bulk seed available. Approx. 260 seeds per gram.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Allium fistulosum

This is your classic great tasting spring/bunching onion with a red twist! The foot of this spring onion has a red tinge, helping add some colour and interest to salads, stir fries and omelettes. Very hardy & easily grown in fertile, limy soils in full sun. 1 Pkt = 300 seeds.

Botanical Name
Allium fistulosum

Spring onions give flavour and colour to any dish. Easily grown in fertile, limy soils in full sun. The first sowing can be made in late winter in three week intervals until the end of autumn. Do not use fresh manures. Keep moist and rotate vegetable beds every year. 300 seeds