Vegetable Seeds Catalogue


Sds/g: 150-160                    Feed Requirements: Moderate (chilli) – Heavy (larger capsicums)                     Usual Seed Life: 2 years

Cultural Notes:

  • Capsicums can be tricky to grow in some Tasmania, especially the higher elevation areas and valleys where frosts stay late and arrive early. Generally, the smaller fruited varieties will mature earlier and more prolifically, as a result we have had no problems with prolific chilli bushes here. Capsicums and chillis are very frost sensitive, however, we have overwintered capsicum/chilli bushes in a hothouse and they have grown to over 1.2 m high and produced huge amounts of fruit in their second year.
  • In cooler climates such as Tasmania: Seed is started at the end of winter and transplanted out at the end of October on the east and north coasts and mid-November in the inland areas. When transplanting incorporate plenty of compost and fertiliser into the soil and space on 40-60 cm centres. To produce a greater quantity of sweeter fruit mulch with black plastic around the base of each plant. It is wise to stake all plants if your garden is in a windy spot or to keep the lower branches of larger fruited varieties off the ground. Side dress with an organic liquid fertiliser every 3 weeks up to the end of February to help plant growth and fruit production.
  • If you are planning to overwintering a plant either transplant seedlings into large pot or carefully dig the plant at the end of the season (March inland and early April on the north and east coasts ) and replant or move the pot into a hothouse. Move back outside when you would normally plant your transplants and be ready for a huge crop.


  • Cool snaps and cold nights can really set back or kill plants. Ensure plants are in a sheltered spot or on the north side of a fence or wall.


  • Varieties ripen from green to red, orange or yellow. As capsicum plants ripen they generally get thicker walls, juicier and sweeter while chilli plants also get thicker walls but also more pungent. Harvest full sized green fruit to early in the season to promote more flowering and fruit set. Chilli plants usually have a huge amount of fruit on them at the end of the season (March inland and early April on the north and east coasts), pick the ripe ones and dry or mince into a paste. Leave the green ones on the plant and pull the plant out roots and all, shake off excess soil and hang upside down out of the sun to let the fruit ripen and dry.

Sowing periods

Cool Climate Periods
Sep 1st to Nov 30th
Temperate Climate Periods
Aug 1st to Dec 31st
Tropical & Sub-Tropical Climate Periods
Jan 1st to Dec 31st
1 pkt
Botanical Name
Capsicum annuum

Early! The earliest. And probably the most delicious and ‘sweet’ of all varieties that are adapted to growing outdoors in cooler areas. Upright plants that yield early and heavily with red fruit by mid-February (immature fruits are yellow). 25 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Capsicum annuum

A bell capsicum that has a high yield and thick, sweet flesh. A strong upright bush that can handle the good crop it produces, grows to 60 cm. It is good best to remove the first two to three flower clusters to prevent the early setting of seedless fruit that can stunt the bush for a month or more. 25 seeds.

Sold out
Botanical Name
Capsicum annuum

A prolific capsicum that is popular in Cuba and is gaining popularity ‘elsewhere’. A sweet capsicum with a very subtle tang. It has a long tapering fruit that is yellowish-green when young, ripening to red, grows to 12+cm long. Very popular for frying, stuffing and BBQ’ing or eaten raw in salads. 20 seeds.

Sold out
Botanical Name
Capsicum annuum

A large dark green, thick-walled capsicum that ripens and sweetens to red. Super crunchy raw for use in salads, with dips or the kids lunch box. The large fruit, 12 cm x 9 cm, provide a great option for stuffing and roasting. In cooler areas they require a warm, sheltered position. Suitable for growing in containers. 30 seeds. Treated seed (thiram).

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Capsicum annuum

An Italian style ‘bullhorn’ capsicum that is early, very productive and suitable for cooler climates. It is a sweet variety that is 20 cm long and 5-7 cm wide at the shoulders. Fruit ripens from green to a dark crimson red. Plant in a sheltered spot with full sun to maximise the early yields. 20 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
Capsicum annuum

A great sweet capsicum for those of us in cooler areas as it matures early and produces a large quantity of long sweet yellow fruit. This capsicum is a fabulous all rounder- stir fries, raw in salads, pickled or dried. 25 seeds.

1 pkt
Botanical Name
​​​​​​​Capsicum annuum

An early, high yielding sweet cherry capsicum. The smooth glossy round fruits ripen from green to red and get to 4-5 cm in diameter. Great fresh or baked. The perfect snack/appetiser size for pickling or stuffed with herbs and creamed cheese, ricotta or feta. Plant in a sheltered spot with full sun to maximise the early yields. 30 seeds.

Frost Resilience
Hot Arid
Sow Method
Sowing Instructions
Sow direct or in pots. Keep moist & warm, seeds are slow to germinate in cooler soil. In cooler areas (*) sow indoors to transplant once frosts have passed and soiled warmed. Prepare ground with compost and a handful of blood & bone well mixed in.
Sold out
Botanical Name
Capsicum annuum

An unusual capsicum for its rich chocolate brown colour. It is also remarkably early, crops well and tolerates cool nights. Smooth, medium-small, tapered capsicums. Mild flavour with medium thick flesh that is red under the skin. Ripen from green to brown. 15 seeds.
